Yes, you really can market your business message at no cost; I've done it for years and I've helped hundreds of businesses to do the same.
Let me set you straight on a few things. Marketing, that is “moving” your advertising to shake up the masses with your message is not difficult and does not need to be expensive or cost anything for that matter.
In this blog I will share marketing ideas that cost you absolutely “zero” to do (except taking minimal action on your part). You will use things around you that you already have. Then I will cover “low cost” marketing and when you’ve done that, we’ll come full circle and even though you may be using “big time” media such as TV, radio, and billboards, because you’ll see a return on investment (ROI), your marketing is paid, thereby this too will be “no cost”!
Finally, as with all of my blogs (you can see them at it’s essential that readers participate with comments and questions. It’s otherwise “free” information to you which will help you get your message out there, but we’ll all learn more when you and others share your ideas, and experiences as well.
That’s it for today.
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Make it a great day! Ter Scott!